Cantica Gaudia
Season of Lent: Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Split the wood -- I am there; lift the stone, and you will find me there.
Psalm: There are times in life
when we are called to be bridges,
not a great monument spanning a distance
and carrying loads of heavy traffic,
but a simple bridge to help one person from here to there over
some difficulty,
such as pain, grief, fear, loneliness,
a bridge which opens a way
for ongoing journey.When I become a bridge for another,
I bring upon myself a blessing,
for I escape from the small prison of self
and exist for a wider world,
breaking out to be a larger being
who can enter into another’s pain
and rejoice in another’s triumph.I know of only one greater blessing
in this life, and that is,
to allow someone else
to be a bridge for me.Glory to God, who made us, who bears our pain, and who loves us.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.Reading: Do not forget the joy of the Lord is your strength:
But remember this…
We are not called to be fearful, we are called to love.
We are called not to parade our holiness, we are called to be faithful.
We are not called to be all-knowing, we are called to believe.
We are not called to claim, we are called to give.
We are not called to be victorious, we are called to be obedient.
We are called to serve and to walk humbly with our God.The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
And deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
Now and for ever. Amen.Prayer: Lord, you have always given bread for the coming day;
and though I am poor, today I believe.
Lord, you have always given strength for the coming day;
And though I am weak, today I believe.
Lord, you have always given peace for the coming day;
And though of anxious heart, today I believe.
Lord, you have always kept me safe in trials;
And now, tried as I am, today I believe.
Lord, you have always marked the road for the coming day;
And though it may be hidden, today I believe.
Lord, you have always lightened this darkness of mine;
And though the night is here, today I believe.
Lord, you have always spoken when time was ripe;
And though you be silent now, today I believe.Blessing: God of our pilgrimage, we have found the living water. Refresh and sustain us as we go forth on our journey, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.