Cantica Gaudia

Praying the Daily Office with joy.

Advent Monday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Mary's Hours
Psalm: From 24 (OTY)
Reading: Meister Eckhardt, via Taize service leaflet 8/15/12
Prayer: NZPB
Collect: NZPB
Going Forth: (original)

Advent Monday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 89 (OTY)
Reading: Letters To A Young Poet, Ranier Maria Rilke
Prayer: NZPB /Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Advent Monday Evening Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 107:33-43 (NZPB)
Reading: Joyce Rupp
Prayer: All Desires Known
Collect: Women's Uncommon Prayers
Going Forth: Mary's Hours

Advent Monday Compline
Confession: COE Advent resources
Canticle: Ode of Solomon 34, Uncommon Lectionary
Reading: Jeanne Murray Walker, via Light Upon Light
Prayer: Kathleen McTigue, via Taize service leaflet 8/7/13/ Going Forth: NZPB

Advent Tuesday Morning Prayer
Opening: EOW
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: 84 (OTY)
Reading: David Whyte, via Taize service leaflet 7/10/13
Collect: All Desires Known / Going Forth: traditional

Advent Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 119:73-79 (NZPB)
Reading: Jay E. Johnson, quoted in Living on the Border of the Holy by Bill Countryman
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: NZPB

Advent Tuesday Evening Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: From Psalm 40 (OTY)
Reading: Enuma Okoro, via Light Upon Light
Prayer: Celtic Daily Prayer
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church / Going Forth: original

Advent Tuesday Compline
Confession: COE Advent resources
Psalm: From 103 (OTY)
Reading: Tony Stoneburner, via Mary's Hours
Prayer: Celtic Daily Prayer
Going Forth: NZPB

Advent Wednesday Morning Prayer
Opening: Mary's Hours
Canticle: EOW
Psalm: From 94 (OTY)
Reading: Isaiah 11:1-6
Prayer: Zend-Avesta, via God Has No Religion
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: BCP

Advent Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: From 94 (OTY)
Reading: Tess Gallagher
Prayer: Psalms for Zero Gravity / Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Advent Wednesday Evening Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: Mary's Hours
Psalm: (NZPB)
Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7 (NRSV)
Prayer: Kate Compston, via Bread of Tomorrow
Collect: NZPB / Going Forth: Mary's Hours

Advent Wednesday Compline
Confession: COE Advent resources
Canticle: NZPB
Reading: Ephrem the Syrian, via Common Prayer
Prayer: / Going Forth: NZPB

Advent Thursday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: 147 (OTY)
Reading: Stephen & Ondrea Levine, Prayers for 1000 Years
Prayer: Women's Uncommon Prayers
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: BCP

Advent Thursday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 30:1-6
Reading: Jane Kenyon, via Haphazard by Starlight
Prayer: COE Advent resources / Going Forth: NZPB

Advent Thursday Evening Prayer
Opening: COE Advent resources
Canticle: Magnificat (Mary's Hours)
Psalm: 19:12-14 (NZPB)
Reading: Taize website
Prayer: Ruth Fainlight, via Haphazard by Starlight
Collect: Holy Women, Holy Men / Going Forth: original

Advent Thursday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Canticle: Hildegard of Bingen, via Mary's Hours
Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5 (NRSV)
Prayer: All Desires Known
Going Forth: original

Advent Friday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: First Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: 118:19-27 (NZPB)
Prayer: Edwin Hays, Pray All Ways
Collect: All Desires Known
Going Forth: BCP

Advent Friday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 36:7-12 (NZPB)
Reading: Denise Levertov, Risking Everything
Prayer: Taize website / Going Forth: Traditional

Advent Friday Evening Prayer
Opening: Common Prayer
Canticle: Phos hilaron / Psalm: From 84 (Stephen Mitchell translation)
Reading: Ranier Maria Rilke's Book of Hours
Prayer: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Collect: BCP / Going Forth: Traditional

Advent Friday Compline
Confession: Daily Prayers for All Seasons
Canticle: Nunc dimittis
Reading: Marilyn Chandler McEntyre, via Taize service leaflet 8/28/13
Prayer: Original / Going Forth: Mary's Hours

Advent Saturday Morning Prayer
Opening: Common Prayer
Canticle: Uncommon Women's Prayers
Psalm: From 96 (OTY)
Reading: Gwyneth Lewis, via Haphazard by Starlight
Collect: All Desires Known
Going Forth: original

Advent Saturday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: Nun's 23rd Psalm, Prayers for 1000 Years
Reading: Annie Dillard, Prayers for 1000 Years
Prayer: All Desires Known
Going Forth: original

Advent Saturday Evening Prayer
Opening: Mary's Hours
Canticle: Magnificat
Psalm: 104:25-35 (NZPB)
Reading: Meister Eckhart, from Love Poems From God
Prayer: Celtic Daily Prayer
Collect: EOW
Going Forth: original

Advent Saturday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Canticle: Second Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Reading: Isaiah 51:1-6 (NRSV)
Prayer: Mary Kathleen Speegle Schmitt, via God Has No Religion / Going Forth: original

Advent Sunday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: Third Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: 65:5-8 (Common Prayer)
Reading: Iona Prayer Book
Prayer: COE Advent resources
Collect: BCP / Going Forth: Celtic Daily Prayer

Advent Sunday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: from 102 (OTY)
Reading: NZPB
Prayer: St. Helena Breviary / Going Forth: Original

Advent Sunday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 103 (BCP)
Reading: Hafiz, Love Poems From God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer:  Celtic Daily Prayer
Collect: NZPB
Going forth: BCP

Advent Sunday Compline
Confession: Taize service leaflet 9/4/13
Canticle: Magnificat
Reading: Book of Hours, Ranier Maria Rilke
Prayer: David Abram, Prayers for 1000 Years / Going Forth: Original

Fall Monday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: The Buddha, Interfaith Prayer Book
Psalm: 84, Stephen Mitchell
Reading: Sirach 43:1-2, 6-7, 9-12, 27-28 (NRSV)
Prayer: Feasting on the Word
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Fall Monday Noonday Prayer
Opening: CP
Psalm: 126 (IAW)
Reading: Denise Levertov, Stream and Sapphire
Prayer: Pattern of our Days /Going Forth: Prayers for an Inclusive Church

Fall Monday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: 1 (Mitchell)
Reading: Lisel Muller, Taize service 1/25/2012
Prayer: Pattern of Our Days
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: Iona Abbey Worship Book

Fall Monday Compline
Confession: Feasting on the Word
Canticle: Magnificat
Reading: Meister Eckhardt, Taize service 2/1/2012
Prayer: Iona Abbey Worship Book / Going Forth: Prayers for an Inclusive Church

Fall Tuesday Morning Prayer
Opening: Common Prayer
Canticle: Ode of Solomon 40 (Uncommon Lectionary)
Psalm: from 22 (OTY)
Reading: Luke 18:35-43 (NRSV)
Prayer: Daily Prayers for All Seasons
Collect and Going Forth: BCP / Prayers for an Inclusive Church

Fall Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Common Prayer
Psalm: 93 (Mitchell)
Reading: Yehuda Amichai, Taize Service 10/24/2012
Prayer: Feasting on the Word / Going Forth: BCP

Fall Tuesday Evening Prayer
Opening: Common Prayer
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: 30, David Rosenberg in Poet's Book of Psalms
Reading: Isaiah 55:1-5 (NRSV)
Prayer: Iona Abbey Worship Book
Collect: Daily Prayers for All Seasons / Going forth: Feasting on the Word

Fall Tuesday Compline
Confession: Feasting on the Word
Psalm: 4 (OTY)
Reading: Rilke's Book of Hours
Prayer: Taize 08/10/2014
Going Forth: Traditional

Fall Wednesday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: 100 (Mitchell)
Reading: from the Secret Book of James (Uncommon Lectionary)
Prayer:Feasting on the Word
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: BCP

Fall Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: 19 (The Pattern of Our Days)
Reading: St. Augustine, quoted in Soul Feast
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: EOW

Fall Wednesday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Magnificat
Psalm: from 42 (OTY)
Reading: Life Prayers
Prayer: BCP
Collect and Going Forth: Iona Abbey Worship Book / BCP

Fall Wednesday Compline
Confession: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Canticle: Meister Eckhardt, Taize sevice 3/7/2012
Reading: Virginia Adair
Prayer: BCP / Going Forth: NZPB

Fall Thursday Morning Prayer
Opening: Uncommon Lectionary
Canticle: Daily Prayers for All Seasons
Psalm: 16:5-11 (BCP)
Reading: Wisdom of Solomon 7:23-30 (NRSV)
Prayer: Feasting on the Word
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: Traditional

Fall Thursday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Iona Abbey Worship Book
Psalm: 146 (Mitchell)
Reading: Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems
Prayer: All Desires Known / Going Forth: Original

Fall Thursday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: All Desires Known
Psalm: Merrill, Taize 5/23/2012
Reading: Rumi, AP1 notes
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect and Going Forth: BCP / Iona Abbey Worship Book

Fall Thursday Compline
Confession: Feasting on the Word
Psalm: from 51 (OTY)
Reading: Taize 1/18/2012
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Going Forth: NZPB

Fall Friday Morning Prayer
Opening: CP
Canticle: Oxford Book of Prayer
Psalm: 845:7-13 (BCP)
Reading: Barbara Taylor Bradford, An Altar in the World
Prayer: Feasting on the Word
Collect: St. Augustine, via God Has No Religion
Going Forth: Traditional

Fall Friday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Traditional
Psalm: From 139 (OTY)
Reading: Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems
Prayer: Ted Loder, AP1 notes / Going Forth: Iona Abbey Worship Book

Fall Friday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Nunc dimittis / Psalm: 67 (BCP)
Reading: David Whyte
Prayer: Neill Thew, via Bread for Tomorrow
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church / Going Forth: BCP

Fall Friday Compline
Confession: Feasting on the Word
Psalm: from 73 (OTY)
Reading: Traditional (Sacred Journey notes)
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer / Going Forth: Mary's Hours

Fall Saturday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: 149 (Mitchell)
Reading: Thomas Merton (Sacred Journey notes)
Prayer: Sounds of the Eternal by Newell
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: NZPB

Fall Saturday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: 57:6-13 (BCP)
Reading: Henry David Thoreau, Taize service 8/22/2012
Prayer: BH Carlsson, Taize service 9/10/2014
Going Forth: Traditional

Fall Saturday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Ode of Solomon 28 (Uncommon Lectionary)
Psalm: 101 (Poet's Book of Psalms)
Reading: Henri Nouwen, via Common Prayer
Prayer: Hildegarde of Bingen, via Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: Taize service 10/3/2012

Fall Saturday Compline
Confession: Pattern of Our Days
Psalm: 145:1-5 (BCP)
Reading: Richard Rohr, via Daily Prayers for All Seasons
Prayer: Feasting on the Word / Going Forth: NZPB

Fall Sunday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Second Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: 51:11-16 (BCP)
Reading: James 2:143-20 (NRSV)
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: Pescan (Taize 10/10/2012) / Going Forth: Prayers for an Inclusive Church

Fall Sunday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 149 (Taize 11/21/2012)
Reading: Sirach 12:20-27
Prayer: CP/ Going Forth: Original

Fall Sunday Evening Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: Phos hilaron (BCP)
Psalm: From 86 (OTY)
Reading: Ram Dass, via Life Prayers
Prayer: Fewekes (Taize 10/24/2012)
Collect: Daily Prayers for All Seasons / Going forth: Original

Fall Sunday Compline
Confession: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Canticle: Ode of Solomon 6 (Uncommon Lectionary)
Reading: Macrina Wiederkeher
Prayer: Sounds of the Eternal by Newell / Going Forth: Original

Late Summer Monday Morning Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: Mary's Hours
Psalm: 34:1-8 (BCP)
Reading: David Whyte, Taize service 7/9/2008
Prayer: Pattern of Our Days by the Iona Community
Collect: Iona Abbey Worship Book
Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Late Summer Monday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 63:1-9 (NZPB)
Reading: Denise Levertov, Taize service 7/20/2005
Prayer: Common Prayer /Going Forth: EOW

Late Summer Monday Evening Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: Phos hilaron (BCP)
Psalm: From Psalm 30 (OTY)
Reading: Ranier Maria Rilke, Taize service 5/10/2006
Prayer: Taize service 11/16/2005
Collect: All Desires Known
Going Forth: Iona Abbey Worship Book

Late Summer Monday Compline
Confession: Pattern of Our Days
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:13b-22 (NRSV)
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer / Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Late Summer Tuesday Morning Prayer
Opening: Common Prayer
Canticle: Second Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: 36:5-9 (BCP)
Reading: Hildegard of Bingen in One River Many Wells
Prayer: Common Prayer
Collect and Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers / BCP

Late Summer Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Pattern of Our Days
Psalm: part of 83, by Nan Merrill, Psalms for Praying
Reading: Iona Prayer Book
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer / Going Forth: Pattern of Our Days

Late Summer Tuesday Evening Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: Mary's Hours
Psalm: 30, David Rosenberg in Poet's Book of Psalms
Reading: Oxford Book of Prayer
Prayer: Common Prayer
Collect: All Desires Known / Going forth: NZPB

Late Summer Tuesday Compline
Confession: All Desires Known
Canticle: All Desires Known
Reading: Hebridean Altars
Prayer: Women's Uncommon Prayers
Going Forth: NZPB

Late Summer Wednesday Morning Prayer
Opening: Oxford Book of Prayer
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 131 (BCP)
Reading: Thirst by Mary Oliver
Prayer: Hebridean Altars
Collect: Oxford Book of Prayer
Going Forth: BCP

Late Summer Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 100 (OTY)
Reading: The Gift by Hafiz
Prayer: Common Prayer/ Going Forth: Pattern of Our Days

Late Summer Wednesday Evening Prayer
Opening: All Desires Known
Canticle: Magnificat
Psalm: 127:1-3 (NZPB)
Reading: Luke 12:22-31 (NRSV)
Prayer: BCP
Collect and Going Forth: St. Helena Breviary / BCP

Late Summer Wednesday Compline
Confession: Pattern of Our Days
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Reading: Kadya Molodwsky in Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: All Desires Known / Going Forth: NZPB

Late Summer Thursday Morning Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: Third Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: 16:5-11 (BCP)
Reading: Mary's Hours
Prayer: All Desires Known
Collect: All Desires Known
Going Forth: Mary's Hours

Late Summer Thursday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Common Prayer
Psalm: From Psalm 49 (OTY)
Reading: St. John of the Cross, Love Letters From God
Prayer: Pattern of Our Days / Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Late Summer Thursday Evening Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: The Prymer
Psalm: 103:1-5 (BCP)
Reading: Augustine of Hippo, via Common Prayer
Prayer: BCP
Collect and Going Forth: All Desires Known / Iona Prayer Book

Late Summer Thursday Compline
Confession: Mary's Hours
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Reading: Mary's Hours
Prayer: EOW
Going Forth: NZPB

Late Summer Friday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Iona Prayer Book
Psalm: 84:1-8 (NZPB)
Reading: Derek Walcott, in Risking Everything
Prayer: All Desires Known
Collect: Iona Prayer Book
Going Forth: Traditional

Late Summer Friday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Mechtild of Magdeburg, Women in Praise of the Sacred
Psalm: From 92 (OTY)
Reading: St. Theresa of Avila, Taize 9/27/2006
Prayer: All Desires Known / Going Forth: Traditional

Late Summer Friday Evening Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: Magnificat / Psalm: 119:17-24 (NZPB)
Reading: Kabir, in Love Letters From God
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: All Desires Known / Going Forth: BCP

Late Summer Friday Compline
Confession: All Desires Known
Canticle: All Desires Known
Reading: John Henry Newman, in Iona Prayer Book
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: Mary's Hours

Late Summer Saturday Morning Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: All Desires Known
Psalm: From 146 (OTY)
Reading: All Desires Known
Prayer: NZPB
Collect: St. Helena Breviary
Going Forth: NZPB

Late Summer Saturday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: 19:7-13 (BCP)
Reading: Rumi, in Risking Everything
Prayer: EOW
Going Forth: Traditional

Late Summer Saturday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: from 31 (OTY)
Reading: Odes of Solomon, from An Uncommon Lectionary
Prayer: Pattern of Our Days
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going Forth: BCP

Late Summer Saturday Compline
Confession: EOW
Canticle: EOW
Reading: Kabir, in Love Poems From God
Prayer: BCP / Going Forth: NZPB

Late Summer Sunday Morning Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: Second Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: 8 (NZPB)
Reading: James 3;13-18 (NSRV)
Prayer: BCP
Collect: All Desires Known / Going Forth: Original

Late Summer Sunday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: 91 (BCP)
Reading: Hafiz, in Love Poems From God
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: Original

Late Summer Sunday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Phos hilaron (BCP)
Psalm: From 40 (OTY)
Reading: Anthony Machado, Risking Everything
Prayer:  NZPB
Collect: Oxford Book of Prayer
Going forth: Original

Late Summer Sunday Compline
Confession: Iona Abbey Worship Book
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Reading: Mary's Hours
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: Original

Early Summer Monday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: 123 (OTY)
Reading: Thirst by Mary Oliver
Prayer: All Desires Known by Janet Morley
Collect: Women's Uncommon Prayers
Going Forth: Mary's Hours by Penelope Duckworth

Early Summer Monday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: From Psalm 17 (OTY)
Reading: Letters to a Young Poet by Ranier Maria Rilke
Prayer: Mary's Hours by Penelope Duckworth /Going Forth: BCP

Early Summer Monday Evening Prayer
Opening: EOW
Canticle: Phos hilaron (BCP)
Psalm: From Psalm 36 (OTY)
Reading: NZPB
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: BCP
Going Forth: Traditional

Early Summer Monday Compline
Confession: BCP
Canticle: Nunc dimittis (BCP)
Reading: Matthew 7:7-11 (NRSV)
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Early Summer Tuesday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: Second Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: From Psalm 46 (OTY)
Reading: One River Many Wells (after the Gospel of Matthew)
Prayer: COE
Collect and Going Forth: Prayers for an Inclusive Church / BCP

Early Summer Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Traditional
Psalm: 126 (OTY)
Reading: NZPB
Prayer: All Desires Known / Going Forth: COE

Early Summer Tuesday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: All Desires Known
Psalm: From Psalm 19 (OTY)
Reading: Meister Eckhart, quoted in Holy Listening by Margaret Guenther
Prayer: BCP
Collect: BCP / Going Forth: All Desires Known

Early Summer Tuesday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Canticle: EOW
Reading: Mary Oliver, via Trinity Taize 5/14/2014
Prayer: BCP
Going Forth: IPB

Early Summer Wednesday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: First Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: Psalm 63:1-8 (EOW)
Reading: Hildegard of Bingen, from One River, Many Wells
Prayer: CW
Collect: NZPB
Going Forth: COE

Early Summer Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: From Psalm 25 (OTY)
Reading: Gospel of Thomas
Prayer: COE / Going Forth: Pattern of our Days

Early Summer Wednesday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: From Psalm 51 (OTY)
Reading: Andrew Colliver, via The Longing in Between
Prayer: NZPB
Collect and Going Forth: EOW / COE

Early Summer Wednesday Compline
Confession: COE
Canticle: Magnificat
Reading: John of the Cross, in Love Letters From God
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: EOW

Early Summer Thursday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: From Psalm 37 (OTY)
Reading: Thirst by Mary Oliver
Prayer: Feasting on the Word
Collect: All Desires Known
Going Forth: Taize website

Early Summer Thursday Noonday Prayer
Opening: EOW
Psalm: From Psalm 145 (OTY)
Reading: Marguerite Porete, Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: All Desires Known / Going Forth: EOW

Early Summer Thursday Evening Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: 67 (translated by Stephen Mitchell)
Reading: D. H. Lawrence, The Enlightened Heart
Prayer: CDP
Collect and Going Forth: NZPB / BCP

Early Summer Thursday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Canticle: Magnificat
Reading: John of the Cross, Love Letters from God
Prayer: Taize website
Going Forth: Taize website

Early Summer Friday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: From 65 (OTY)
Reading: H.D. Thoreau
Prayer: Macrina Wiederkehr, Seasons of Your Heart
Collect: All Desires Known
Going Forth: Feasting on the Word

Early Summer Friday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: From 34 (OTY)
Reading: Proverbs 9:1-6 (NRSV)
Prayer: Feasting on the Word / Going Forth: COE

Early Summer Friday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: St. Helena Breviary / Psalm: From 72 (OTY)
Reading: NZPB
Prayer: Women's Uncommon Prayers
Collect: IAWB / Going Forth: Taize website

Early Summer Friday Compline
Confession: EOW
Canticle: Magnificat
Reading: Lost in Wonder by Esther de Waal
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: Original

Early Summer Saturday Morning Prayer
Opening: EOW
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: From 81 (OTY)
Reading: The Essential Evelyn Underhill
Prayer: Soren Kierkegaard
Collect: IAWB
Going Forth: Original

Early Summer Saturday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: From Psalm 40 (OTY)
Reading: The Essential Rumi
Prayer: Adapted from St. Paul
Going Forth: Original

Early Summer Saturday Evening Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: EOW
Psalm: 124 (OTY)
Reading: Matthew 13:31-32 (NRSV)
Prayer: Sounds of the Eternal by Newell
Collect: Mary's Hours
Going Forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Early Summer Saturday Compline
Confession: EOW
Psalm: From Psalm 10 (OTY)
Reading: Hadewijch of Antwerp, Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: NZPB / Going Forth: IAWB

Early Summer Sunday Morning Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: From Psalm 145 (OTY)
Reading: Uvanuk, Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: Father Mychal's Prayer
Collect: Feasting on the Word / Going Forth: IAWB

Early Summer Sunday Noonday Prayer
Opening: St. Helena Breviary
Psalm: From 75 (OTY)
Reading: Mirabai, Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: CDP / Going Forth: Traditional

Early Summer Sunday Evening Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: COE
Psalm: From 92 (OTY)
Reading: Hafiz, The Gift, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer:  Taize website
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Blessing: All Desires Known

Early Summer Sunday Compline
Confession: COE
Canticle: NZPB
Reading: Luke 10:38-42 (NRSV)
Prayer: BCP / Going Forth: Macrina Wiederkehr, Seasons of Your Heart

Easter Monday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: From Psalm 16 (OTY)
Reading: Matthew 25:1-10 (NRSV)
Prayer: IAWB
Collect: Holy Women, Holy Men
Going forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Easter Monday Noonday Prayer
Opening: South African Prayer Book
Psalm: From Psalm 118 (OTY)
Reading: Hildegarde of Bingen, from Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: All Desires Known by Janet Morley

Easter Monday Evening Prayer
Opening: Traditional
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: From Psalm 33 (OTY)
Reading: From The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
Prayer: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Collect: South African Prayer Book
Going forth: NZPB

Easter Monday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Canticle: BCP
Reading: Hafiz, quoted in One River, Many Wells
Prayer: HA / Going forth: CP

Easter Tuesday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: EOW
Psalm: Psalm 100 (OTY)
Reading: From Wisdom of the Desert Fathers
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect and going forth: COE / IPB

Easter Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Philippians 4:47
Psalm: 93 (OTY)
Reading: John 14:1-7 (NRSV)
Prayer: BCP / Going forth: COE

Easter Tuesday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: The Magnificat (BCP)
Psalm: 16 (Stephen Mitchell)
Reading: Song of Songs 7:12-14 (Women in Praise of the Sacred)
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: EOW

Easter Tuesday Compline
Confession: COE
Canticle: CDP
Reading: From The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Going forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Easter Wednesday Morning Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: Psalm 149 (Stephen Mitchell)
Reading: Julian of Norwich, from One River, Many Wells
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: BCP
Going forth: IAWB

Easter Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: CP
Psalm: 23 (OTY)
Reading: Mechtild of Magdeburg, in Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: Hildegarde of Bingen / Going forth: All Desires Known by Janet Morley

Easter Wednesday Evening Prayer
Opening: Traditional
Canticle: O gracious light (BCP)
Psalm: From Psalm 72 (OTY)
Reading: Hafiz, from One River, Many Wells
Prayer: NZPB
Collect and going forth: NZPB / IAPB

Easter Wednesday Compline
Confession: BCP
Canticle: Nunc dimittis (BCP)
Reading: The Essential Rumi
Prayer: Taize website

Easter Thursday Morning Prayer
Opening: EOW
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: Psalm 24 (OTY)
Reading: Rabia, Love Poems from God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer: Holy Women, Holy Men
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going forth: IPB

Easter Thursday Noonday Prayer
Opening: COE
Psalm: 136:1-9 (NRSV)
Reading: St. Thomas Aquinas, Love Poems from God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer: NZPB / Going forth: BCP

Easter Thursday Evening Prayer
Opening: Traditional
Canticle: The Magnificat (All Desires Known)
Psalm: From 118 (OTY)
Reading: Odes of Solomon, via Uncommon Lectionary
Prayer: Hildegarde of Bingen
Collect and going forth: NZPB

Easter Thursday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Psalm: 111 (BCP)
Reading: John 20:11-18 (NRSV)
Prayer: Taize website
Going forth: NZPB

Easter Friday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: First Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: From 145 (OTY)
Reading: John 21:4-12 (NRSV)
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: NZPB
Going forth: Traditional

Easter Friday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: 67 (BCP)
Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-10 (NRSV)
Prayer: BCP

Easter Friday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Nunc dimittis (BCP) / Psalm: From 145 (OTY_
Reading: Meister Eckhart, Love Poems from God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer: COE
Collect: CP

Easter Friday Compline
Confession: COE
Canticle: NZPB
Reading: St. Theresa of Avila, Love Poems from God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer: BCP / Going forth: Original

Easter Saturday Morning Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: From 104 (OTY)
Reading: Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-11 (NRSV)
Prayer: BCP
Collect: All Desires Known
Going forth: Original

Easter Saturday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 130 (OTY)
Reading: Luke 24:28-33 (NRSV)
Prayer: The Prymer
Going forth: Original

Easter Saturday Evening Prayer
Opening: EOW
Canticle: COE
Psalm: From 146 (OTY)
Reading: Lal Ded, Naked Song translated by Coleman Barks
Prayer: BCP
Collect: CP
Going forth: Traditional

Easter Saturday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Canticle: NZPB
Reading: Hafiz, The Gift, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer: BCP / Going forth: Women's Uncommon Prayers

Easter Sunday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: 121 (OTY)
Reading: St. Thomas Aquinas, Love Poems from God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer: NZPB
Collect: CP

Easter Sunday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 122 (OTY)
Reading: Rumi, Love Poems from God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer: COE / Going forth: IAWB

Easter Sunday Evening Prayer
Opening: Wisdom of the Greek Fathers
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: 34 (OTY)
Reading: St. Catherine of Siena, Love Poems from God, translated by Daniel Ladinsky
Prayer:  COE
Collect: BCP
Going forth: Original

Easter Sunday Compline
Confession: NZPB
Canticle: Magnificat (BCP)
Reading: Wisdom of the Greek Fathers
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer

Lent Monday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: CDP
Psalm: Psalm 36 (OTY)
Reading: Matthew 6:16-24 (NRSV)
Prayer: HA
Collect: IPB
Going forth: IPB

Lent Monday Noonday Prayer
Opening: COE
Psalm: Psalm 130 (OTY)
Reading: From Alchemy of Fire by Gillian Bradshaw
Prayer: NZPB

Lent Monday Evening Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: Song of Christ's Goodness (EOW)
Psalm: 32 (OTY)
Reading: James 1:19-24 (NRSV)
Prayer: IPB
Collect: BCP
Going forth: COE

Lent Monday Compline
Confession: COE
Psalm: Psalm 4 (OTY)
Reading: Rilke's Book of Hours
Prayer: Traditional

Lent Tuesday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: Third Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: Psalm 63:1-8 (BCP)
Reading: Hafiz, quoted in One River, Many Wells by Matthew Fox.
Prayer: CPI
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church; Going forth: BCP

Lent Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 119:49-72 (NRSV)
Reading: IPB
Prayer: CDP / Going forth: NZPB

Lent Tuesday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: The Magnificat (BCP)
Psalm: Psalm 49:1-8 (NRSV)
Reading: Colossians 3:12-15 (NZPB)
Prayer: NZPB
Collect: COE

Lent Tuesday Compline
Confession: COE
Canticle: A Song of Our True Nature (EOW)
Reading: Julian of Norwich
Prayer: NZPB
Going forth: BCP

Lent Wednesday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: A Song of Hosea (EOW)
Psalm: Psalm 51 (OTY)
Reading: Hildegarde of Bingen
Prayer: COE
Collect: EOW
Going forth: IAWB

Lent Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 119:105-112 (NZPB)
Reading: Letters of Evelyn Underhill
Prayer: IPB / Going forth: IAWB

Lent Wednesday Evening Prayer
Opening: CW
Canticle: Nunc dimittis (BCP)
Psalm: Psalm 6 (OTY)
Reading: Theresa of Avila, Love Poems from God
Prayer: Sounds of the Eternal by J. Philip Newell
Collect and going forth: BCP

Lent Wednesday Compline
Confession: IPB
Psalm: Psalm 46 (BCP)
Reading: Eriugenia, quoted in The Book of Creation by J. Philip Newell
Prayer: All Desires Known

Lent Thursday Morning Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Canticle: NZPB
Psalm: Psalm 19 (BCP)
Reading: Isaiah 59:9-11 (NRSV)
Prayer: BCP
Collect: COE
Going forth: BCP

Lent Thursday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 40:1-6 (NRSV)
Reading: Lal Ded, quoted in Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: HA

Lent Thursday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: The Magnificat (All Desires Known)
Psalm: 139:1-17 (BCP)
Reading: Isaiah 43:18-21 (NRSV)
Prayer: COE
Collect: NZPB

Lent Thursday Compline
Confession: COE
Psalm: 29:1-4 (BCP)
Reading: Hosea 14:1-7 (NRSV)
Prayer: HA
Going forth: IAWB

Lent Friday Morning Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: First Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: 103 (OTY)
Reading: Luke 6:27-38 (NRSV)
Prayer: IAWB
Collect: SAPB
Going forth: IAWB

Lent Friday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Traditional
Psalm: 8 (BCP)
Reading: Ivan M. Granger, Real Thirst

Lent Friday Evening Prayer
Opening: CDP
Psalm: 84 (BCP)
Reading: Rumi, Purity of Desire
Prayer: Patmos Abbey website
Collect: BCP

Lent Friday Compline
Confession: BCP
Canticle: The steadfast love of the Lord (NZPB)
Reading: An Interrupted Life, by Etty Hillesum
Prayer: COE / Going forth: CDP

Lent Saturday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: A Song of Ezekiel (EOW)
Psalm: 62 (BCP)
Reading: Thirst, Mary Oliver
Prayer: IAWB
Collect: All Desires Known
Going forth: COE

Lent Saturday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: 72 (OTY)
Reading: Philippians 2:3-6 (NRSV)
Prayer: IAWB
Going forth: Traditional

Lent Saturday Evening Prayer
Blessing: NZPB
Canticle: Song of Creation, BCP
Psalm: 15 (OTY)
Reading: Lal Ded, quoted in Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: CW
Collect: All Desires Known
Going forth: IAWB

Lent Saturday Compline
Opening: EOW
Canticle: Nunc dimittis
Reading: NZPB
Prayer: IAWB / Going forth: IPB

Lent Sunday Morning Prayer
Opening: IBP
Canticle: Second Song of Isaiah, BCP
Psalm: 119:73-80 (BCP)
Reading: Isaiah 62:6-7, 10-12 (NRSV)
Prayer: SAPB
Collect: NZPB

Lent Sunday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 23 (OTY)
Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:24-26
Prayer: SAPB

Lent Sunday Evening Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: He was despised and rejected (NZPB)
Psalm: 27, OTY
Reading: Denise Levertov, The Stream & the Sapphire
Prayer:  IAWB
Collect: CDP
Going forth: IPB

Lent Sunday Compline
Confession: CDP
Canticle: COE
Reading: Julian of Norwich, in IAWB
Prayer: IPB

Epiphany Monday Morning Prayer
Opening: Psalm 51:11
Canticle: Third Song of Isaiah (BCP)
Psalm: From Psalm 72 (OTY)
Reading: From “Six Recognitions of the Lord” by Mary Oliver, in Thirst
Prayer: COE
Collect: NZPB
Going forth: BCP

Epiphany Monday Noonday Prayer
Opening: COE
Psalm: 1:1-3 (BCP)
Reading: Makeda, Queen of Sheba, quoted in Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer and going forth: CDP

Epiphany Monday Evening Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: Alicia Ostriker, "Prayer to Shekhinah", Prayers for 1000 Years
Psalm: 146 (Stephen Mitchell's Book of Psalms)
Reading: Isaiah 61:1-4 (NRSV)
Prayer: NZPB
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going forth: Traditional

Epiphany Monday Compline
Confession: Feasting on the Word
Canticle: Song of Pilgrimage, EOW
Reading: Hafiz, quoted in One River, Many Wells by Matthew Fox
Prayer: COE
Going forth: EOW

Epiphany Tuesday Morning Prayer
Opening: EOW
Canticle: The time of God’s favour, NZPB
Psalm: From Psalm 95, OTY
Reading: Galatians 3:23-29 (NRSV)
Prayer: CDP
Collect: Daily Prayer for All Seasons / going forth: BCP

Epiphany Tuesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Psalm 113 (NRSV)
Psalm: 138 (NRSV)
Reading: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, quoted in Light Upon Light
Prayer: CP

Epiphany Tuesday Evening Prayer
Opening: Psalm 141:2 (NRSV)
Canticle: Song of True Motherhood, EOW
Psalm: From Psalm 50, OTY
Reading: Rumi, Purity of Desire
Prayer: NZPB
Collect: BCP
Going forth: MH

Epiphany Tuesday Compline
Confession: BCP
Canticle: The Magnificat,  MH
Reading: "Ode of Solomon," via An Uncommon Lectionary
Prayer: COE's Common Worship resources for Epiphany
Going forth: CDP

Epiphany Wednesday Morning Prayer
Opening: Psalm 43:3 (NRSV)
Canticle: Second Song of Isaiah, BCP
Psalm: From Psalm 36, OTY
Reading: From The Red Virgin: A Poem of Simone Weil by Stephanie Strickland
Prayer: MH
Collect: NZPB
Going forth: MH

Epiphany Wednesday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Psalm 19:14 (NRSV)
Psalm: 63:1-8 (NRSV)
Reading: Juan de la Cruz, quoted in The Impact of God by Iain Matthew
Prayer: CDP

Epiphany Wednesday Evening Prayer
Opening: Psalm 96:9 (NRSV)
Canticle: Song of Wisdom, EOW
Psalm: 103:1-5
Reading: Rumi, from The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
Prayer: Alcuin of York, via COE
Going forth: MH

Epiphany Wednesday Compline
Confession: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Canticle: Song of Ezekiel, EOW
Reading: May Sarton
Prayer: CDP
Going forth: EOW

Epiphany Thursday Morning Prayer
Opening: Psalm 143:10
Canticle: Song of Christ’s Humility, EOW
Psalm: From 126, OTY
Reading: "Ode to Solomon", via An Uncommon Lectionary
Prayer: Trudy James, in Women’s Uncommon Prayers
Collect: Alcuin of York, EOW
Going forth: EOW

Epiphany Thursday Noonday Prayer
Opening: NZPB
Psalm: 98:5-10 (NRSV)
Reading: Baruch 3:29-32 (NRSV)
Prayer: CDP

Epiphany Thursday Evening Prayer
Opening: Psalm 16:7-8
Canticle: Song of Simeon, NZPB
Psalm: 131, OTY
Reading: Nicola Slee, via 2014 Advent Retreat
Prayer: Contemporary Celtic Prayer
Collect: MH

Epiphany Thursday Compline
Confession: Iona Abbey Worship Book
Psalm: 121 (NZPB)
Reading: Mark 7:25-30 (NRSV)
Prayer: Prayers for an Inclusive Church by Steven Shakespeare
Going forth: CDP

Epiphany Friday Morning Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: Miryam of Jerusalem, by Anne Johnson
Psalm: From 65, OTY
Reading: Mechtild of Magdeburg, quoted in Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: J. L. Cowie, in Oxford Book of Prayer
Collect: MH
Going forth: NZPB

Epiphany Friday Noonday Prayer
Opening: Traditional
Psalm: 73, part 2 (NZPB)
Reading: Hafiz, quoted in One River, Many Wells by Matthew Fox
Prayer: CDP
Going forth: Uncommon Women’s Prayers

Epiphany Friday Evening Prayer
Opening and canticle: BCP
Psalm: From 81, OTY
Reading: Isaiah 58:5-9
Prayer: NZPB
Collect: MH

Epiphany Friday Compline
Confession: COE
Psalm: 134 (NZPB)
Reading: Proverbs 3:13-20 (NRSV)
Prayer: BCP

Epiphany Saturday Morning Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: From 97, OTY
Reading: Isaiah 59:9b-12 (NRSV)
Prayer: MH
Collect: COE
Going forth: CDP

Epiphany Saturday Noonday Prayer
Opening: COE
Psalm: 121 (Stephen Mitchell's Book of Psalms)
Reading: Proverbs 1:20-23 (NRSV)
Prayer: Daily Prayer for All Seasons
Going forth: COE

Epiphany Saturday Evening Prayer
Opening: COE
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: 19:7-10 (NZPB)
Reading: Catherine of Siena, quoted in Women in Praise of the Sacred
Prayer: Daily Prayer for All Seasons
Collect: COE's Common Worship resources for Epiphany
Going forth: COE

Epiphany Saturday Compline
Opening: COE
Canticle: Magnificat, MH
Reading: Cloud of Unknowing, via 2014 Advent Retreat
Prayer: BCP

Epiphany Sunday Morning Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: BCP
Psalm: From 98, OTY
Reading: St. Teresa of Avila, via For Lovers of God Everywhere
Collect: Daily Prayers for All Seasons
Going forth: CDP

Epiphany Sunday Noonday Prayer
Opening: BCP
Psalm: 126 (NZPB)
Reading: Rumi in The Essential Rumi translated by Coleman Barks
Prayer: Oxford Book of Prayer

Epiphany Sunday Evening Prayer
Opening: BCP
Canticle: Magnificat, BCP
Psalm: From 40, OTY
Reading: 2 Timothy 2:20-21 (NRSV)
Prayer:  From “A Simple Evening Liturgy” in The Iona Abbey Worship Book
Collect: Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Going forth: CP

Epiphany Sunday Compline
Confession: EOW
Psalm: From 115, OTY
Reading: Daily Prayers for All Seasons
Prayer: Prayers for 1000 Years