Cantica Gaudia

Ordinary Time, Early Summer: Sunday Compline

Confession:  O hidden mystery,
Sun behind all suns,
Soul behind all souls,
In everything we touch,
In everyone we meet,
Your presence is around us,
And we give you thanks.

But when we have not touched
But trampled you in creation,
When we have not met
But missed you in one another,
When we have not received
But rejected you in the poor,
Forgive us
And hear now our plea for mercy.

Hear now the words of Jesus
For all who are truly sorry
And seek to renew their lives:
Your sins are forgiven.
Go in peace,
Come and follow me.

Lead us now, O God,
To acknowledge your costly generosity
By living as forgiven people,
Until heaven and earth rejoice
And the whole earth cries Glory!
Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Canticle: You, O Christ, are the One:
The might and goodness of fatherhood.
You are the One:
The wisdom and kindness of motherhood.
You, O Christ, are the One:
The light and grace of all blessed love;
You are Trinity; you are Unity.
You, O Christ, are the One:
The high sovereign goodness of all manner of things.
You are the one who makes us to love;
You are the One who makes us to long.
You, O Christ, are the One:
The endless fulfilling of all our true desires.

Reading: As a vine, so brought I forth a savour of sweetness. And my flowers are the fruit of glory and riches. I am the mother of beautiful love and of fear, and of greatness, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of life and truth. And in me is all hope of life and virtue. Come unto me all that desire me, and be filled with the fruits that spring from me. For my spirit is sweeter than honey or honeycomb.

The Lord’s Prayer: Creator of all,
Alive in all things and greater than all things,
Your naming be held holy.
Your vision of our goodness be made manifest throughout the universe,
And your desires for us brought to fulfillment.
Give us that which is essential for our growth and work.
Offer forgiveness and healing to us as we forgive and heal those around us.
Protect us from unnecessary suffering and wasteful pain.
For all that is beautiful, strong and glorious has its roots in you
and expresses your will and your nature, which we share in, unendingly.  Amen.


Going Forth: O God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is!